The law permits the court to prohibit certain conduct through the use of injunctions called Restraining Orders. The most common are Domestic Violence and Civil Harassment.
The Domestic Violence Restraining Order shall appear on all public record databases (CLETS) and can be be seen by potential employers and others when seeking jobs, licenses, loans, etc.
The Civil Harassment Restraining Orders requires the other party to show that they are the victim of a threat of violence, stalking, been injured physically by the defendant or has endured a pattern of harassment that shows a course of conduct designed to annoy or harass and serves no legitimate purpose.
Violation of Restraining Order can be charged as a felony or a misdemeanor and can carry County Jail or State Prison incarceration if convicted.
Having the benefit of an experienced and aggressive restraining order defense lawyer makes all the difference in these types of cases. The Law Offices of Rondee J. Eagle currently have a PERFECT record of defending these types of restraining orders and have even gotten the other side to pay attorneys fees.
If you are being subjected to a restraining order, please contact our office at (877) 499-5342, or fill out the online evaluation form.