California Vehicle Code Section 23109 defines exhibition of speed / speed contests as instances in which a motor vehicle races against another motor vehicle, a clock, or some other timing device. Also, accelerating a vehicle in such a manner as to cause it to skid may constitute a violation of the statute if done deliberately.
A conviction for engaging in an exhibition of speed/participating in a speed contest can result in serious consequences. Exhibition of speed convictions are generally charged as misdemeanors which can be punishable by imprisonment in county jail for a period of up to 90 days and a fine of up to one thousand dollars. Under California Vehicle Code 23109, the penalties increase significantly if someone other than the driver was injured or killed as a result of the exhibition of speed / speed contest, or if the driver had been previously convicted of a 23109 violation within the previous five years.
Additionally, a conviction for exhibition of speed / participating in a speed contest will result in two points being added to your driving record. Receiving a total of four points in any twelve month period will lead to the suspension of your driving privilege. Moreover, a conviction for this offense may lead to your automobile insurance being canceled or your insurance premium being dramatically increased.
Contact Eagle and Nguyen Law Office immediately to recover your vehicle from impoundment and stop the accumulating fees! We will also guide you through the process of either taking your case to trial or negotiating a favorable resolution.